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Title Image for The Drive-Thru Nation by Taylor Moon Castagnari
cavernous connections website title image.png
Have you ever considered how stalagmites are like splayed fingers, reaching for something
the greatest show
The Aerialist
Title image for "The Balancing Act" by Taylor Moon Castagnari
nomad title_3x-100.jpg
natural history vs artificial modernity cover.png
natural history vs artificial modernity cover 2.png
lost and de-colonial 4 x 4_300x-100.jpg
Lost & De-Colonial-2-2.gif
airport liminality
doctor's office purgatory
Title image for "That's Not All She Wrote" by Taylor Moon Castagnari
door (Stitched Clip).gif
the quarantine from a digital virus_300x-100.jpg
face mask white background FINAL.gif
Title image for "Labor Unions" by Taylor Moon Castagnari
protest on capital (Stitched Clip).gif
Title image for "A Vaporous Whimper" by Taylor Moon Castagnari
Title image for "The Motorcycle Accident" by Taylor Moon Castagnari
Joplin, MO EF5 Tornado 2011
survivor story2.png
Title image for "Visits to Your Gallery" by Taylor Moon Castagnari
Title image for "Walk with Me" by Taylor Moon Castagnari
Jannine speaking (Stitched Clip).gif
Title image for "Anybody Could Be in This Position"
shorter fracking suburbia.gif
Artboard 1.jpg
the writer's story.jpg
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Taylor Moon Castagnari [formerly, Taylor Colette Moon) is a contemporary artist whose primary mediums are animation and digital illustration. Her animations are divided into metaphoric and poetically narrated animations and documentary style animations. She prints & exhibits the film stills alongside the animations. Her metaphoric animations connect unlike ideas in order to encourage others to rethink everyday constructs and biases. Her documentary animations share the personal histories of individuals who display strength amidst hardship.
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